Wednesday, October 26, 2011


There are certain places around the world where it is very poor. These places are called slums because it is poor and crowded. This place is so dirty and contaminated with bacteria that is very hard environment to live in. But the people who live there have adapted to these conditions. There is trash every where, but the main problems are that the slums have no medical care at all, very little money as a result of small living places and the area is over populated which is a result of over crowding living spaces.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


INTRO: there are certain parts in the world where it is very poor. they call these places the slums because it is so poor and croweded.this place is so dirty and contaminated with bacteria that it is a very hard enviroment to live threw. there is trash  everywhere. but the main problems are that the slums have no medical care, very little money as a result of small living places which is a result of over-crowding.

II- these slums have no money what so ever the goverment gives them the money but very little of it.
A.the dont buy as much things as other people.
B. they dont even have enough money to buy food for the family.
C. the things they use for health have been used already by other people.

III. the medical care is horrible
A. the people probably have a strong ammune system but still get sick and might die.

B.Theres lot of pollution in the slums due to the city and the people of the slums not cleaning it or caring for it.
C. There is so much pollution in the slums it's hard to live in it.This also affects the population. 

IV. The population is so uncontrolable
A. According to the United Nations, one billion people worldwide live in slums and 55% of the population of Mumbai live in slums, which cover only 6% of the city’s land 

ii. nobody really knows the exact population of the slums because it constantly changes.
B. the popultion is almost the same as the death rate which will almost even it out but it will still be trouble.
  C. The government wants to use the land to benefit from it and not help the people who live there.
D. The slums negatively affect the world population.

V. Conclusion
A.The world is negatively affected due to major slums all over the world.
B.The Human populations are negatively affected by slums because slums will increase in population over the upcoming  years, and this will also affect people who live close by, an in slums, the government does not care for the people who live there.
C.the health problems for these people are so harsh. that alot of them get sick
D.Slums are increasing at an uncontrolable rate. that the population will suddenly increase. in one certain period of time.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

thesis statement

Slums negatively affect human populations because slums have no medical care, very little money, and small living spaces as a result of over-crrowding.